  • Sex workers face imposing of religion by police

    In Phoenix, police officers are arresting sex workers and taking them to church, holding them without access to lawyers and coercing them to sign up for a diversion program before they’ve been convicted of any crime:

    In May 2013, Monica Jones, a student and sex-work activist, was arrested for “manifesting prostitution” by the Phoenix police.

    Hers was one of more than 350 arrests carried out by Project ROSE in conjunction with Phoenix police since the program’s inception in 2011.

    Project ROSE is a Phoenix city program that arrests sex workers in the name of saving them. In five two-day stings, more than 100 police officers targeted alleged sex workers on the street and online.  They brought them in handcuffs to the Bethany Bible Church. There, the sex workers were forced to meet with prosecutors, detectives, and representatives of Project ROSE, who offered a diversion program to those who qualified. Those who did not may face months or years in jail.

    So they’re basically using taxpayers’ money to shove superstition down the throats of women who are old enough to do whatever the see fit with their bodies, under threat of wasting time and taxpayers’ money in jail; trampling their religious freedom in the process.

    Category: Secularism


    Article by: Ðavid A. Osorio S

    Skeptic | Blogger | Fact-checker