  • Smell Like Jesus Just for $40

    How exciting to smell like a 1st century Palestinian:

    Brazilian bishop Sonia Hernandez, belonging to the Reborn in Christ Church, the popular neopentecostal movement, launched a perfume that, she says, has a fragrance “that brings you closer to Jesus”. In front of hundreds of believers, Hernandez presented a cosmetics line, that, according to her daughter, shepherdess Fernanda, “exhales the aroma of Christ”; and the kit with lotion, and soap went on sale for 79 reais (US $ 40). The promoter of this idea said that to reach a fragrance with such particular characteristics, it was necessary to research and combine special substances. Sonia Hernandez, is the spiritual leader of the Reborn in Christ Church, which had among its most famous devotees star player Kaká, now with Real Madrid. The soccer player walked away from the church years ago when corruption allegations against Hernandez and her husband, the self-styled “apostle” Esteban began to surface. After the presentation of “Being well with Life” cosmetics line brand, Esteban is scheduled to launch a perfume intended for the male market.

    That’s right: in some bizarre fashion, you can smell like Jesus, no matter whether you’re male or female, although in each case the odor would be different (!).

    Category: Uncategorized


    Article by: Ðavid A. Osorio S

    Skeptic | Blogger | Fact-checker