  • Catholic Church opposes euthanasia in Colombia

    Rubén SalazarFifteen years ago, Colombia’s Constitutional Court ruled [PDF] that it is not against the Constitution to perform euthanasias in the country, and urged the Congress to “in the shortest possible time and in accordance with constitutional principles and fundamental principles of humanity, regulate the issue of death with dignity”.

    Nevertheless, the Colombian lawmakers hadn’t followed the advise until now. So the Colombian Catholic Church is upset about it:

    Archbishop Rubén Salazar, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference, issued a harsh statement against the initiative currently before Congress on the regulation of euthanasia and asked “not to legislate in favor of death”.

    Salazar insisted that no human being can decide on the life of the other and said, that just like abortion, death can not be established as a right.

    I still don’t get it why such a criminal multinational that doesn’t pay taxes is so eager to impact public policy.

    Ohh, yeah, now I remember: this is supposed to be a life with plenty suffering and misery, or the how they call it, a Vale of Tears.

    Category: Uncategorized


    Article by: Ðavid A. Osorio S

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