In which one of my students shines the light of reason onto the dark and shady world of “reparative therapy.”
Category Teaching
In which one of my students takes a careful look at the real and not real impacts that the lunar cycle has on humans and other animals.
In which one of my students examines the ancient art of palm reading, and finds it wanting.
In which one of my students looks at one of the most common of pseudosciences, that of astrology.
In which one of my students examines placebos, the benefits and risks, and the problems with using complementary and alternative medicine to treat serious medical issues.
In which one of my students takes a trip through history to Nigeria to look at the origins of the idea of a zombie and reports on the scientific investigations looking into Vodun zombism.
In which one of my students helps you learn how DID and schizophrenia differ at a biological level.
In which one of my students examines the changes that took place from DSM-IV to DSM-5 with the diagnosis of Dissociative Identify Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder).
In which one of my students looks at what Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder) actually is, and whether the media gets it right or not.
In which one of my students examines the belief that the moon can influence how people act and think.