Look out, Oklahoma City – the atheists are coming!!!
Category Politics
In which we look at the effect that standardized testing, mandated by NCLB, has on those with intellectual disabilities.
In which we take a look at the difficulties faced by persons with intellectual disabilities in the legal system.
In which the “anti-hoodie” law recently proposed by an Oklahoma Senator is unmasked, as it were.
In which the anti-gay therapy is taken to task.
In which I am interviewed about sexism, racism, science, and more by the Blueball Skeptics.
Check out my newest book, Psychology Gone Astray, with a look at the contents and an excerpt!
In which I attempt to answer the question which is the title of the post.
In which I reveal the cover of my latest book, and there is a brief excerpt for your enjoyment.
In which I take a look at the supposed devil-worshippers who want to put a monument of Baphomet on the Oklahoma state capitol, and find them to be not very “Satanic” in the common understanding of the term.