In which we take a look at what types of interventions have been shown to be useful to children and adults with specific learning disabilities.
Category Parenting
In which sociological, cultural, and biological factors that help determine if you’ll be diagnosed as having ADHD are discussed.
In which one of my students takes a look at the strategies and tactics used by those espousing the so-called dangers of vaccinations.
My friend Monty Harper, an award-winning musician, is raising money to support the creation of a new music CD about science…for kids!
In which one of my students examines some of the fraudulent claims made by medical doctors about vaccinations.
In which Andrew Wakefield’s fraudulent science linking vaccines to autism is examined and dissected.
One common problem that many people face today, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof, is how to be a good parent. I think this is quite understandable since, unlike many species, we don’t seem to have a full set of “parental instincts” built into our biology. Sure, you might have to carry around a flour sack for a week in high school or have a brief introduction to developmental psychology in an introductory psychology course, but very few of us have direct instruction in how to be a good parent.