In April 1994, a three-month killing spree began in Rwanda, in which Hutu members killed about 800,000 people in an…
Category Atheism
Jonathan MS Pearce’s new book, Did God Create the Universe from Nothing? Countering William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument, is now filtering…
Aron Ra is president of Atheist Alliance of America, director of the Phylogeny Explorer Project, producer of the Living Science…
Jonathan MS Pearce’s new book on the Kalam (Did God Create the Universe from Nothing?) has a couple of endorsements…
Jonathan MS Pearce has received another endorsement for his book on the Kalam, as reported on his blog: I have received a…
Jeffrey Jay Lowder, blogger, debater, author and founder of the Internet Infidels, has written the foreword to Jonathan MS Pearce’s…
“Today something terrible happened to me. I sat down on a toilet that had the seat left up by a…
As I pondered my belief system, I happened to catch the actor Jim Carey on a talk show discussing a…
The upcoming book on the Kalam Cosmological Argument (with an as yet unfinalised title) by Jonathan MS Pearce has received…
God is everywhere, it seems, even inside potatoes. A couple of weeks ago, a cook at a seniors’ home in…