Usually, you expect biting satire to come from The Onion, or Private Eye. this unexpected piece of genius comes from…
Author Jonathan MS Pearce
UKIP, The British, but more popular version of the Tea Party, is stooping to new lows, as if that was…
Free market economics seems to be the cornerstone of both right-wing and libertarian political ideology, broadly espousing that the companies…
I have told you before that Reasonable Doubts is my favourite podcast. Well, here is a great RD Extra podcast…
As mentioned in my previous posts, someone in Malawi is about to have a debate on national TV with a…
Stephen Fry so articulately nails his answer here. You can feel the emotion.
Over on another post and thread, D Rizdek is doing a fantastically erudite job of mounting a solid case for…
This, for me, was a game changer when I watched it. It still has so much to say, perhaps more…
Comedy is a funny old thing. Literally. NO, I’m not joking. But what is it that makes things funny, and…
And now for something completely different. This has come through my friend Julian Haydon, and it a great piece of…