OK, this is it. You heard it here first. This is the future… or at least what I think the…
Author Smilodon's Retreat
I’m a bit of a science fiction fan and I tend to enjoy Neil Stephenson’s work. I consider Cryptonomicon to be…
Casey Luskin, once again, shows us why he is not a person to take seriously. He, like his buddy Meyer,…
Building a fusion-based electricity generating station is still a number of years away, but there’s a lot more people looking…
A few weeks ago, fellow SINner Avante Garde published an article with claims that fracking is not that bad a…
During the Obamacare development process, we all heard about how this was the Big, Nasty Federal Government telling us what…
One really elegant piece of evidence for evolution is “reversing evolution”. This does a couple of things. First, it allows…
The Planetary Society, led by CEO Bill Nye, has decided to raise some money for space exploration through Kickstarter. The…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock (and Cthulhu knows how much I wish I were right now), you’ve heard…
If you want a sneak peek of America’s foreign policy under a GOP president, then take a look at the…