Philosophy of Xmas
The Xmas Files book is available in bookshops now!
Contains such perrennial questions as: What should I do about the horrible tie Aunt Gertrude gave me? Is Xmas really about love and peace? and: What’s so bad about Christmas kitsch?
Oh, wow. Sounds great. When I was a semi-Christian theist, I was put off by the commercialization of Xmas. Now that am an atheist, that’s all I have left – that and tradition. But tradition is only worth keeping if it works in the first place. I have no urge to chop down a tree and mount it in my house. My family used to have a fabulous Xmas tradition of spending Xmas day at my uncle’s house with most of the rest of my mother’s family. That tradition died with my uncle a couple years ago. Now the family is so spread out that big get-togethers are almost impossible.Dear Stephen,For several years I’ve told my family not to get me anything for Xmas, both because Xmas is meaningless and I don’t want anything they could get me, but they usually get me stuff anyway. Usually it’s stuff I didn’t want. This year I’m going to ask them to donate to the Secular Coalition of America for me. I’m donating to my parent’s causes for their gifts. I’m thinking of getting my brother a pet nail trimmer to lesson the likelihood of his poodle scratching my legs when I visit. I have no idea what to do for my sister. She has way too much stuff as it is. She could use some more common sense, logic, rationality, a better marriage, a few fewer pets, more free time… things I can’t give her. What should I do? Sighned, Grinch in MA
Why, my book is the ideal gift in such circumstances!
I read the book a good few years ago – it’s a great introduction to some key philosophical themes.
Stephen, I’d love to read your book and you can send to me as a gift.
My wife has banned me from buying philosophy books as I overdo it. Perhaps I need a book on self-control……
I bought half-a-dozen copies last year as gifts for my family (the *only* gift I gave out last year). I thought they’d benefit from it, assuming they bothered to read it.
I’ve got my dad a signed copy of A.C Grayling’s new book on scepticism. However upon reading the first few chapters I realised it’s really not that accesible to anybody who isnt versed in some philosophical terms.. Maybe I could buy a signed copy of your book for him instead Stephen? I’l be seeing you in Logic at Heythrop tommorow anyway!
Ok Christopher I’ll bring one in…
Looks like a bargain for £0.01. Wonder what that is in euro?*ducks*
Christopher – I shall leave a copy in my pigeonhole. Go to reception to ask for it. Left Monday 8th Dec 4pm.
Pardon me for posting on a slighly dated thread but it sort of seemed appropriate.Study examines motives behind Santa mythThe researchers seem to be keen to tackle the big one next…