Surprisingly enough, Oklahoma has become a battleground state in the Democratic primary process; the 538 polls-plus model makes this abundantly…
You may well recall the altercation between Professor Melissa Click and student journalist Mark Schierbecker on the Carnahan Quadrangle, in…
In light of recently breaking news about Iranian media organizations raising large sums of money to suborn the assassination of…
Last summer, we got word that State Senator Ervin Yen would introduce legislation designed to decrease the number of non-vaccinated…
Today was the second annual Atheist & Secular Oklahomans Lobby Day which was pretty much what it says on the tin.…
Whenever anyone asks me for a specific example of rape culture, I break open my Bible. Usually, I show them Numbers…
A couple days ago, I recklessly speculated that the presidential race is ultimately going to come down to two challengers…
[Content note: This post is highly speculative and not particularly rooted in skepticism.] Americans are getting to the point in the…
“[N]ot getting involved in controversy is one of those things I’m not particularly talented at.” — Richard Dawkins, ~5:15 “The…
Talking to members of The Slyme Pit, the #GamerGate of the Atheist movement — Carl Benjamin (@Sargon_of_Akkad) February 13,…