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Got all that? Really? You read it all? Jeez, I’m not even sure most of our team did that. Heck, the writers were half in the bag when they wrote it. Well, good for you! Now please use the form below:
Uh! = seams. Sorry!
So, it’s late at night and I’m half-watching TV , half browsing the web on my iPad, when within a few minutes of each other the same item appears from these two different sources. First, a TV show about taboos came on and among the stories they were going to over was Lizzie Velasquez (who the Internet dubbed the “ugliest woman in the world” due to a genetic deformity). I decide it’s getting late, take a quick shower, and can’t resist one more peek into Facebook. While I was in the shower, a friend of mine posted a TED talk given by none other than Lizzie Velasquez. So, a story I had known nothing about is all of a sudden is appearing through two very different sources.
The reason I think this story is a strange coincidence is as follows:
– This story is not a hot news item; if it were, the multi-front media assault wouldn’t be odd at all
– I’m watching late night TV in Poland (the show was an American program, Taboo, season 9, filmed in 2012)
– My friend posted the article of the TED talk through a Catalunia news site. The TED talk itself is from Dec 2013
So, it may not sound so crazy and wild, but it certainly caught me off guard and I thought of TOMBC immediately. I hope you like the story 🙂