Well, we’ve finally hit the big time! We’ve been interviewed on the blog Bag of Holding! What’s that, you say? You’ve never heard of Bag of Holding?! For shame! But at least we’ve corrected that for you now. So go, check out our Interview and find out all the delicious details about the creation of our site, a description of this very blog that you clearly don’t need described, and our personal grooming habits!* And then come back here and submit a story already! *It’s entirely possible the notes about our personal grooming habits were edited out of the final version. We’ve been too nervous to check, as we really opened up at a highly personal level during that part of the interview.
Got a story for us?
Do you have your own crazy story for us of something that happened to you that just seemed too crazy to believe? Tell us! Just head to our Submit a Story! page and fill us in and we'll publish it here. All the content on the site comes to us by way of people like YOU, so please help us keep it flowing. Alternately, if you've got something quick to share, just tweet it! If you put #tombc or #theoddsmustbecrazy in your tweet, you'll see it show up in the sidebar below. We make it so easy!TOMBC hosted by
We’re on Skepticality
Listen to us on every episode of Skepticality! Well, at least the episodes since our debut. If you go too far back you'll be disappointed. Not by the show, which is FANTASTIC, but merely because we won't be in it, and you'll have listened to it specifically to hear us because you read this and believed us that we were on every episode, but now, thanks to this clarification, you'll know better. Right then. So head to Skepticality.com and subscribe, download, podcatch, etc. to catch our segment with our happy voices reading our favorite submissions and making lots of jokes of various levels of quality and conviction!Tags
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Admin Junk
Thank you for participating on my blog! Much appreciated! I’m so glad Ross interviewed you so I could find out about your website and collection of wicked cool circumstances. So far, my favorite has been the Groundlings on Synchronicity post. I loved the video.
We were very happy to have the opportunity to be featured on your blog, Rhianna. And the Synchronicity sketch, which I got to see performed live, is a favorite for me, too. We were stunned when we saw it performed, as the site was in the works at the time.