• Awesome “Sin” artwork – check this out!

    So, like Ed at Incredulous, I was pretty wowed by this piece of artwork by a poster on the subreddit CreativeAtheists which I spoke about before (created by one of our own SINners). It is by a person called Moultano.


    The artist posted this comment to explain the text on the inside of the peel:

    The snippets of text are all from great works of history, arranged in chronological order from the tip of the peel to the body of the apple. I picked one of the most famous lines from each, in the original language. In order:
    Lascaux Cave Paintings
    Gilgamesh (Sumerian)
    The Eloquent Peasant (ancient Egyptian)
    Code of Hammurabi (Babylonian)
    Old Testament (Hebrew)
    The Odyssey – Homer (Ancient Greek)
    Bagavad Gita (Sanscrit)
    Metamorphosis – Ovid (Latin)
    New Testament (Greek)
    Qur’an (Arabic)
    Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing – Hisab al-jabr w’al-muqabala (Arabic)
    Faust – Goethe (German)
    Macbeth – Shakespeare (English)
    Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica – Newton (Latin)
    On the Origin of Species – Darwin (English)
    Maxwell’s Equations (Math)
    Relativity – Einstein (Math)
    Schrodinger Equation (Math)
    Universal Turing Machine (English)
    Human Genome, Hemoglobin


    Category: MoralityRandom


    Article by: Jonathan MS Pearce