• SINergy, SIN’s new media channel, launches

    We are trying to stay ahead of the game, as a network. Thinking about how we could provide our readers with as much content and resources, we have developed a channel here at our SIN headquarters.

    This channel will be home to all of SIN’s writer’s media contributions. This will include:

    TV/radio appearances

    Podcast appearances

    Conference talks and panel contributions


    You Tube videos

    Video/audio/print interviews of us or conducted by us

    And so on.

    The channel, SINergy, looks pretty sweet and will provide another home for skeptical views and resources. The word synergy is more than apt as it perfectly fits the bill:

    The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects

    Please stop by there, and continue checking it out as more and more content is added. The link is:


    As Ed Clint muses:

    – It’s great = SIN community building. Content is from all of us together and has a unique and distinctive quality. Our collective fans can see the work of SINners they might not have otherwise paid attention to.

    – In the future, we can take the SIN community building even farther by posting Google Hangouts and the like.

    – Overcomes a blog software limitation that people can’t search the entire network’s content from the hub page because visitors can search all content from all users on SINergy

    If you are looking for particular ATP offerings, then here is a list of items on SINergy:





    With more to follow!

    Plus, everything each author has ever posted to SINergy can be seen by entering the url https://skepticink.com/sinergy/author/[SIN user name] which is a very handy link.



    Category: BloggingWebsite


    Article by: Jonathan MS Pearce