Watch volcanoes erupting on Io. An exoplanet found at the closest star to ours (please bear in mind what sort…
Okay, that’s a deliberately provocative and insulting title – one needs to get ones hits somehow after all – and rest…
Read it. Especially liked the bit about Vasili Arkhipov.
I had hope not to touch on this subject, since it always provokes some very tedious responses, but since my…
Was poking around on youtube and found the following: Worth watching, and remembering what “nuclear proliferation” ultimately means. There is…
The second Atlas Shrugged film is out today, though nowhere near me. According to some of my comrades, it’s considerably…
Five debates involving Nobel Laureates. Why are you lot still hanging around here? Go and watch.
Savages, barbarians, plain and simple. This is the sort of thing that calls out my inner Saint Just. The…
The late great Hitch used to like the following anecdote. When a spokesman for the teamsters union was asked, “Wouldn’t…
Never, ever say that there’s nothing you can do or that the struggle is too hard. 14 year old Malala Yousufza…