  • “Where our ancestors failed at the Gates of Vienna…

    We will succeed through our wit.”


    That quote comes from Cem Ozdemir, the representative of the German Green Party in the Bundestag (h/t Sabatina James).

    I’d like to examine it for a moment because this simple little statement says a great deal.  The first thing is that it expresses a clear intent to conquer Europe.  The second is that it links this intention clearly with the historic record of Jihad.  The third is that, as representative of one of the larger parties in Germany, this is not the extreme, but the mainstream.

    Now taken together these three are quite staggering.  You can search as you will, but you will find no parallel to it in modern political discourse.  No one in the German parliament stands up and says it is time for Germany to reclaim its lands to the East, let alone talk about retaking its historic colonies in Africa.  No one in the British parliament speaks of rebuilding the Empire.  Not even the BNP talks like this.

    But a Muslim leader of a mainstream party in Germany, does.

    Despite many, including my colleague Arizona Atheist, persist in claiming that resistance to the jihad is Western Imperialism.  It is nothing of the sort.  This is about resisting imperialism.  It is about defending our own countries and our own societies from the menace of jihad. And, yes, that means making common cause with all those who are fighting the same thing.


    Category: IslamJihad

    Article by: The Prussian