• Still more morondom on cloning from the right

    Once you start down this path, it’s hard to stop.   Courtesy of the scientific minds at the National Review:

       The unfertilized egg is not turned into stem cells. Rather, in the same cloning process as resulted in Dolly the sheep, it becomes an embryo, which is destroyed to obtain the cells.

    This is lunacy.  By no standard can a 10 day old pseudo-blastocyst with a somatic nucleus implanted be considered an ’embryo’ in the sense this twit means.  There are no nerves or anything that could even begin to form the basis of consciousness, and even if implanted it would almost certainly perish.  I should add that I am strongly pro-life (I think the cut-off for abortion is 6-8 weeks) and have had a great deal of argument with other skeptics and atheists about this.  Part of the trouble atheist pro-lifers keep having is to dissociate ourselves with abject stupidity like this.


    Important Explanatory Addendum:  Part of the reason that I am sensitive to left-wing anti-science is that, in the Fatherland, this sort of drivel comes from the left.  On their reasoning, one minute you are working with embryonic stem cells to repair brain damage, the next you are goosestepping down the street.



    Category: ScienceSkepticismUncategorized

    Article by: The Prussian