• The Dreyfuss affair of our age

    Comrade Cohen in fine form, displaying the best of the Old Left.  Read it all.  To keep my credentials burnished, I should confess that I find myself shifting a bit uncomfortably at the attacks on Mrs. Thatcher and note that she did end up defending Rushdie after all.

    I thought my disgust for the Yazzmonster could not get stronger, but this shocked even me:


    Had it not been for Khomeini’s incitements to murder in 1989, wrote the constantly shallow and occasionally sinisterIndependent columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in 1994, “the world would be hurtling, unchallenged, towards the inalienable right to wear blue jeans and eat McDonald’s hamburgers”.


    Read it all.

    Category: FascismFree SpeechThe Enlightenment continues

    Article by: The Prussian