If you want to know the kind of person Islamic ideology frequently turns people into, let’s hear it from the horse’s mouth. That is, if you can finish watching this video without throwing up.
There is nothing new about Islamists’ calling India an enemy state and demanding her to be conquered as a way for implementation of Sharia. What is new (perhaps), however, is the flagrant expression of such demands in the UK.
As growing numbers of left leaning political ideologues are discovering much to their dismay, Islam is not all so popular an ideology in Western nations, with large numbers of respondents telling pollsters that there are too many Muslims in their societies, and that Islam is a serious threat to democracy. (Such sentiments no doubt played a part in the recent elections in the UK.) As it happens, though, these enablers of Islamic irresponsibility have a rather nasty habit of shooting the messenger: if you point out problems in Islamic ideology leading to the kind of behavior that doesn’t exactly make someone win the popularity contest (as in the video above), then you are the problem, not the said ideology. Well, dear PC police, you are more than welcome to keep your heads buried deeply in the sand; reality, as it happens, does not care.