• “Healthy Skepticism” new at Skeptic Ink

    Today we launched a new kind of feature here at Skeptic Ink, Healthy Skepticism about Health and Fitness (HS). HS is not a blog like mine, but a channel organized around the topic which will feature contributions from regular contributors as well as one-off articles. At this past The Amaz!ng Meeting I was inspired by many of the skeptics who work in this area of debunking health and medical claims and I also met several people who were interested in such a project. Quackery and misinformation in this area is an enormous problem, and Skeptic Inkers like Caleb Lack cover it sometimes, but we felt it was well to carve off a little corner of the network to dedicate to the topic.

    Initial content by Cathy Smith, William London, Rachel Ann Gray and Jay Diamond.
    Initial content by Cathy Smith, William London, Rachel Ann Gray and Jay Diamond.

    We are very excited about it and hope you enjoy it. The content is curated and organized by skeptic activist and my good friend Wendy Hughes, who some of you may have heard on the Odds Must Be Crazy portion of the great Skepticality Podcast. The initial edition includes articles from Rachel Ann Gray, Jay Diamond, Bill London and Cathy Smith and is some really terrific stuff. Check it out, and if you would like to contribute to HS, be sure to drop Wendy a line. Thank you Wendy & contributors for your hard work!

    Category: featuredskepticism

  • Article by: Edward Clint

    Ed Clint is an evolutionary psychologist, co-founder of Skeptic Ink, and USAF veteran.