• Carl Sagan paper foldable of your very own

    Hip to be square
    Hip to be square

    We gave away loads of these Skeptic Ink/Carl Sagan custom paper foldables at The Amaz!ng Meeting 2013. They were a big hit and today I’m glad to let you know that you can download the PDF for free here. This was created by Bryan of Paperfoldables.com for Skeptic Ink and you can stop by his website and check out his other fun uh paperwork, all of which can be downloaded free. Great job, Bryan, we thank you.

    Construction tips
    Cardstock works best and it’s very useful (but not required) to have an exacto knife and double-sided tape or gluestick.

    Extraordinary skeptics require extraordinary papercraft!

    Category: skepticismTAM

  • Article by: Edward Clint

    Ed Clint is an evolutionary psychologist, co-founder of Skeptic Ink, and USAF veteran.