X-Gay Greg’s wife (who looks an awful lot like Victoria Jackson in this video) writes songs and I thought…
Category What?!?
I’ve been nailed more than once for writing something stupid. Grammos, typos, lack of punctuation, unclear arguments, I’ve hit…
Church skit. ‘Nuff said. (The Jesus wig is awesome.) http://youtu.be/6ZGWsnhiecg
Ah, Charisma. At times I have to wonder if you’re actually The Onion. Case in point: To everything there…
None, whatsoever. No education, no knowledge, no practice, no ambition, no money, no skill, no training… nothing. There you…
The five-year-old child of Profit (typo and it stays) Cindy Jacobs has “rebuked” and stopped tornadoes.
Werewolves aren’t the only scary creature on the prowl when the moon shines full. The full moon is when…
Check out what this dude wears. Now… my husband has a relative who is an “ex-gay” evangelist. I’ve always…
I’ve seen The Hobbit. It was wonderful. However, after reading Matthew Dickerson’s piece in the Huffington Post, I may…
Debbie Daniel from TheFlamingChurch.org is evidently on a mission. I’m on a “Merry Christmas” mission and I’m in full…