  • I wonder if Nicholas Cage will sign on…

    Left Behind (the movie) was such a huge success that movie-makers are proposing a sequel. So, they’ve gone to Indiegogo to raise funds.

    The last line in the Left Behind movie was an important one — “this is only the beginning.” There is a lot of story to tell. And ultimately, until my last breath or until the Lord returns, I will be pushing to bring the entire story of the end-time prophecies to the big screen. So, to answer the question I am asked more than any other, “Yes, there will be a sequel.” With so many people not yet ready, we need to complete the story as soon as possible. But, if we want to keep control of our story, we will once again have to fund the movie independently. In the last year, we have all seen what happens to Christian, Bible-based stories when the big Hollywood studios take control. They rewrite God, change the fundamental meaning of God’s Word and make a mockery of the Christian faith. With your help we won’t let that happen to Left Behind. We can do this without giving up control.

    The accompanying vid is interesting, utilizing the old persuasion standbys such as disconcerting images, dramatic music, and end-time predictions.

    Thing is, I was pummeled with end-time threats for as long as I can remember. Jesus was coming back at any moment forever. I still have relatives who have gone so far as to distribute large amounts of their retirement cash because they believe that they’ll be in heaven any minute.

    The “last days” scenario is exceedingly popular… kind of like the christian version of the zombie apocalypse.

    And this phenomena will linger for a long time. It seems there will always be poor folks who honestly, truly believe the cherry-picked images, the carefully crafted music, and blatant persuasion techniques represent reality and charlatans will be happy to squeeze more cash out of them.

    Be sure to check out the campaign. They’re sitting at around $25k so far.



    Category: Interesting


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)