  • Dude is ex-ex-gay


    A man described as an “ex-gay poster boy” has renounced his ex-gayhood. He evidently claimed to be ex-gay for twenty years (give or take), got married, and worked with the Religious Right to promote the “ex-gay industry,” including reparative therapy which claimed to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. (I can’t help but wonder if proponents of this pseudo-scientific “therapy” ever created study containing a control group that aimed to switch heterosexual people to homosexual. Hmmmm…)

     Until recently, I have struggled all my life in feeling unloved and unaccepted,” Paulk said. “I have been on a journey during the last few years in trying to understand God, myself, and how I can best relate to others. During this journey I have made many mistakes and I have hurt many people including people who are close to me. I have also found a large number of people who accept me for who I am regardless of my past, any labels, or what I do.”

    Paulk continued, “I no longer support the ex-gay movement or efforts to attempt to change individuals — especially teens who already feel insecure and alienated. I feel great sorrow over the pain that has been caused when my words were misconstrued. I have worked at giving generously to the gay community in Portland where I work and live. I am working hard to be authentic and genuine in all of my relationships.”

    Paulk was featured in Newsweek (cover story) in ’98, formed the “Love Won Out” “ex-gay” road show, and was on the board of Exodus International. He lived in Portland, Oregon, started a catering company called Mezzaluna that was…

    staffed by curiously attractive gay men

    Paulk and his wife eventually separated.

    Focus On The Family and others on the Religious Right have had ample opportunity to remove the Paulks from their literature and to stop using them as poster children for the lie that “ex-gay” programs work. While John expressed in the recent investigation that he no longer wanted to be associated with his “ex-gay” past, he was unwilling to publicly correct the record, and his estranged wife has continued to peddle their false story to any “ex-gay” charlatans who will listen.

    That’s too bad. It sounds like his former peers in the ex-gay movement continue to use his story.

    In light of  John Paulk’s announcement, Truth Wins Out also calls upon Anne Paulk and the rest of the Religious Right to immediately cease using the Paulks’ story to sell harmful “ex-gay” therapy to vulnerable people. “Anne Paulk and her Religious Right cohort must immediately cease lying to people about the false ‘ex-gay Paulk fairy-tale,’” said Truth Wins Out Associate Director Evan Hurst. “Indeed, both Paulks should become poster children for the very real nightmare that has been the ‘ex-gay’ experience for so many LGBT people.”

    Of course, reaction to this story has been mixed.


    Category: Interesting


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)