  • Introducing SINergy!


    I don’t pull out the exclamation points often, but this new development is pretty exciting. Seems some of the most interesting, provocative, and thoughtful interviews, videos, and audios at Skeptic Ink are now available at one handy location.

    We’ve got interviews with Stephen Law, a debate between him and William Lane Craig; Caleb Lack has some interesting vids posted; Johnathan Pierce’s Illusion of Free Will is up;  John Loftus has an interview from the Enlightenment Show; and much more. It’s a cornucopia of all things skeptical.

    Here’s the official description:

    Are you looking for videos, audio recordings, and interviews from and by SIN’s dynamic team of skeptic communicators? Would you like to find them all in one place? Now you can. SINergy is Skeptic Ink’s lush, new media room where you can find presentations, debates, and interviews with fascinating people.  Check it out at https://skepticink.com/SINergy.

    Check ‘er out. It’s pretty awesome.

    Category: FYIInteresting


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)