This Friday my long suffering husband and I are heading to the big city to attend Skep Tech. Turns out I’m also taking part in a panel discussion. Here’s the blurb for the panel:
This panel will explore the conflict between online anonymity and harassment. In a world where absolute freedom is practically possible, what shall be permitted? Anonymity is a double-sided coin; it can be a great generator of content, activism, and community, but also provides a safe space for blatant racism, sexism, homophobia, hate speech, and death threats. Is moderating any more “self-policing” than the violent comments policing who creates content? How far should self-policing go—should we go troll hunting into meatspace, causing commenters to face serious, “real life” repercussions? How far is too far, or not far enough?
Sounds interesting, eh? It’s a big subject to tackle and I’m quite positive we’ll get everything ironed out in that short hour presentation.
So, if you’re in Minnesota and/or the Twin Cities area, head over to the UofM campus. I’ll be there all weekend and would love to meet you. If you’d like more information, I had the pleasure of interviewing the ever delightful Ben Sweatervest Blanchard yesterday concerning this very exciting (free) event:
Beth Ann Erickson from Skeptic Ink ( ) interviews Ben Sweatervest Blanchard ( ) about Skep Tech, the free conference intersecting skepticism and technology. April 5 – 7, 2013. Get more information here: