• I get email


    I’ve mentioned this before, I’m sure I’ll mention it again; I own a small publishing company. This seems to compel authors to send me their book information in the hopes that I’ll… I don’t know what they think I’ll do with it.

    Anyway, I got another doozie yesterday. Subject: more information about islam (sic)

    How Fatima Started Islam

    A book like no other on this earth.  Not a few cartoons or an infantile movie trailer but 234 page novel which insults Islam like no other.  A parody of the always drunk proprietor of “Mohammad’s Saloon & Brothel” with his completely ridiculous life exposed.  This moronic child molestating coward and fool who bumps his way through life oblivious to his manipulation as the figurehead of another new religion.  Learn about his adopted son and heir Ali, the biggest swish ever to sashay across Arabia while sadistically running Mecca’s largest boy’s brothel.  Only $9.99 to laugh at, mock, and ridicule those fanatics who do not enjoy being ridiculed.  A well written and extremely funny parody at Amazon.com.

    Hmmmm. How’s that supposed to entice a reader to crack open the book, let alone click the link. To read a book designed only to (quite blatantly, is appears) insult… I think he’s targeting the wrong audience when he sent this to me. However he’s not done yet:

    Observe the never sober Mohammad having sex with camels, pre-adolescent girls and boys, the mutilations, murders, terrorism, sneak attacks, back stabbings and mental illnesses.  Absolutely no other novel is similar.  Stick up for America by sticking it to Radical Islam.

    Also: There is a subtle effort to dissuade Americans from buying or reading this parody.  The Mullahs of Radical Islam HATE the fact that we in the West can still purchase this book.  They are pressuring and threatening Amazon to stop offering the novel for sale.  They demand a world wide ban with criminal penalties under Sharia Law.  Out of 6,000,000 Amazon books “How Fatima Started Islam” has the second lowest review rating, why, because Amazon has been flooded with well over 100 negative reviews with the lowest possible rating, reviewers who openly state that they would never ever buy or read a book insulting The Prophet, yet they take the time to tell you not to read it.  The second lowest rating is a badge of honor, it shows how much the Ayatollahs of BAGHDAD and DAMASCUS and the murderous terrorist who killed our ambassador and burned our embassy in BENGHAZI  do not want you to buy HFSI. Do not let these radical tin pot madmen, who think they rule the world and everyone in it, dictate to you what you may or may not read; purchase this important, well written, and extremely funny book.

    It doesn’t appear to be a very thoughtful book, but I clicked the link nonetheless. This 1 1/2 star wonder appears to have been “announced” to quite a few people. So much for thinking this could be a legit book announcement.

    My review exists for one reason only — this author resorted to SPAM in order to advertise this piece of trash. I know it was SPAM because the address that it was delivered to has never been used by me for anything other than tracking certain kinds of incoming email.Does anyone really think that any worthwhile book should be advertised the same way penis enlargement pills are?

    Added 12/6/2012: Pathetic. Not only have I gotten SPAMMED again, this time the SPAM says that the reason why this book has so low a rating is because everyone who has reviewed it are doing so in defense of “The Prophet” rather than the simple truth that we’re all sick to death of being SPAMMED for this laughable piece of drivel.

    Utterly pathetic. But then what would you expect really?

    Added 12/26/2012: I think I’m just going to enjoy adding comments every time this jerk wad SPAMS me about his pathetic attempt at humor and/or scholarship.

    That’s pretty much par for the course.

    I suppose if you’re going to critique a world religion, it would be beneficial to not only know a lot about your topic, it would be helpful to write in a non-inflammatory critique that would spur conversation rather than ignite anger. I’ll never understand some people.

    Amazon Link


    Category: My Opinion


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)