  • Do NOT attend the final installment of “Breaking Dawn.”


    If you do, you could wind up turning to “real occult groups and even participating in bloodletting practices.” At least that’s according to Steve Wohlberg, speaker/director of White Horse Media and host of “His Voice Today” on The Walk TV.

    The “Twilight” films have been growing in popularity since the first movie’s release in 2008, but the last film, as the official trailer reveals, features heroine “Bella” Swan turning into a vampire herself and stating joyfully, “My days as a human are over. I’ve never felt more alive. I was born to be a vampire!”

    Wohlberg warns that such lines “will only increase the trend of kids and teens going online, finding real vampire websites, and diving headlong into occult darkness.”

    This all began, according to Wohlberg, with (of course) the Harry Potter books.

    “When the ‘Twilight’ series came out, I knew that just like ‘Harry Potter’ contributed to interest in Wicca, ‘Twilight’ will increase interest in vampirism,” he shared.

    He goes on to say:
    “The biggest danger is that kids will try to emulate the heroes (in movies like ‘Twilight’) and when they check out real occultism, they can be invaded by demonic forces. They have no clue that the devil and his angels are very real, and in Matthew and Revelation Jesus talks about the devil and his angels. When kids experiment with these things, they open up a doorway to the demonic. The devil’s goal is to possess this generation,” he warned.

    He ends his interview with the ever present heart vacuum analogy:

    As to why teenagers are turning to vampires and the occult, Wohlberg said that in this generation, kids have a vacuum in their hearts for God. “Our society in many ways is so secular, we have taken God out of so many things. In the public schoolsthere is very little reference to God at all. So kids are looking for something powerful, something supernatural, and occultism is bombarding them on television and through novels and through movies. There is just a lot of occultism that is out there.”

    Consider yourself warned. If you go see the final Twilight movie this weekend and wake up Monday morning with a hankering for blood… well… don’t blame me. Consider this your warning.


    Category: What?!?


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)