From the website:
Now you can learn the inside secrets to
Prophetic Tattoo and Piercing Interpretation from Doug Addison.
Doug Addison’s online course gives you the training you need!After years of development, Doug Addison is making
this one-of-a-kind online training available to you, but only for a short while.
You can receive everything you need to get started in
this new cutting-edge outreach strategy!
Lots of exclamation points so it must be legit, right? Just think, with this course you’ll discover:
Why People Get Tattoos
Common Tattoo Designs And Their Meanings
How To Recognize Symbolic Messages In Tattoos
The Significance Of Tattoo And Piercing Placement
How Negative Designs Can Have Positive Meanings
How To Develop Metaphoric Thinking
Tattoos In The Bible
Doing A Tattoo And Piercing Interpretation
Significance Of The Interest With Zombies And Vampires
Outreach Ideas
Only $40, too. Wow, what a deal.
Only one problem (well, lots of them, but let’s just focus on one). I thought the Bible forbids tattoos.
“Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD. ” (Leviticus 19:28)
I could be wrong, though. Here’s the link. (Be sure to watch the video. It’s amazing. I couldn’t figure out how to embed it here, though.)