Soooo much great stuff on the Network lately that I simply had to point out a couple incredible interviews:
Justin Vacula landed an interview with Pennsylvania legislator Babette Josephs.
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Babette Josephs – a Pennsylvania legislator who recently voted against a resolution declaring October 2012 in Pennsylvania as “Prayer Month” and refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance — noting that she viewed it as a prayer — at a House State Committee meeting. We spoke about separation of church and state, the “Prayer Month” resolution, the constant evoking of religion in Pennsylvania by lawmakers, the Pledge of Allegiance and her refusal to say it, issues facing Pennsylvanians, and more.
Skeptically Left also has a wonderful interview with Russell Blackford.
Russell Blackford is an Australian writer, philosopher, and literary critic, based in Newcastle, NSW. He is a Conjoint Lecturer in the School of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Newcastle, and editor-in-chief of The Journal of Evolution and Technology. As of 2012, he has began writing a column for Free Inquiry, joining a distinguished team of writers and intellectuals, including Richard Dawkins.
Russell earned First Class Honours degrees in both Arts and Law, and also holds a Master of Bioethics degree. He holds separate Ph.Ds in English literature (from the University of Newcastle) and philosophy (from Monash University). Within Australia, Russell is best known for his articles in intellectual and literary magazines such as Quadrant and Meanjin, though that may have changed since the publication of 50 Voices of Disbelief and Freedom of Religion and the Secular State. He currently posts at Talking Philosophy and on his personal blog, Metamagician and the Hellfire Club.
Highly recommended, great reads. Be sure to check ’em out.