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Posted by on Jan 23, 2013 in Announcements, Books, Philosophy | 4 Comments

Notung on freedom of speech

I see that my Skeptic Ink Network colleague Notung is beginning a new series on freedom of speech. This is an important topic, so I look forward to seeing what he comes up with.

If your appetite for the topic is whetted, I have a long chapter on free speech in Freedom of Religion and the Secular State, which you might like to check out.  More books on free speech keep appearing, among them The Harm in Hate Speech, by Jeremy Waldron, which is sitting on a shelf here, waiting to be read. I’m actually planning to review this over the next few days(which means it will appear in, say, a couple of months) for Free Inquiry magazine. Meanwhile, here’s an interesting review of it by Nigel Warburton.

I also need to have a better look at Chris Berg’s new book on free speech – and I’ll doubtless be talking about it here and/or at Talking Philosophy. And I’m looking forward to Nick Cohen’s You Can’t Read This Book. There’s much to be done in defending freedom of speech (and/or in identifying principled exceptions to it).

Edit (24 January): Possible change of plans here. My copy of Ethics without Morals by Joel Marks has just turned up. I’m very interested in this book, so maybe that’s the one that will get reviewed in the next Free Inquiry. We’ll see.