In which I reveal the cover of my latest book, and there is a brief excerpt for your enjoyment.
Category Science
In which I review a skeptical look at the various natural explanations that have been put forth for the Star of Bethlehem over the past couple thousand years or so.
My friend Monty Harper, an award-winning musician, is raising money to support the creation of a new music CD about science…for kids!
In which one of my students takes a look at handwriting analysis, or graphology, and finds it to be much less than a science.
In which one of my students examines the fallibility of memory, and how it can lead to wrongful convictions in criminal cases.
In which one of my students examines placebos, the benefits and risks, and the problems with using complementary and alternative medicine to treat serious medical issues.
In which one of my students takes a trip through history to Nigeria to look at the origins of the idea of a zombie and reports on the scientific investigations looking into Vodun zombism.
In which one of my students examines the belief that the moon can influence how people act and think.
In which one of my students takes a look at why Steve Jobs may have felt better, but still died after receiving
In which one of my students turns the light of science on and shines it at the topic dream analysis and interpretation.