Category Mental Health

Normal and Unexpected Behaviors after a Disaster

Earlier today, Moore and south Oklahoma City were hit with an absolutely devastating tornado that appears as if it will eclipse the infamous May 3rd, 1999 storms as the worst to ever hit Oklahoma. While tornadoes are not exactly rare in Oklahoma (we have more per square mile than anywhere else on earth), this particular one destroyed multiple schools and carved it’s way right through a major city.

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New Books on Mental Health from Caleb Lack!

In exciting news, I just published two short texts on psychopathology. One is on anxiety disorders, while the other focuses on mood disorders. Both are now available for the Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Kobo, and in paperback (links below).

Therapist or medium? A look at “Induced After-Death Communication”

It should come as no surprise to my regular readers that I a) am a clinical psychologist and b) despise pseudoscientific nonsense. As such, when I come across woo in my field, I feel a special fire begin to burn deep inside me and it’s not because I missed taking my Pepcid. No, it’s from having the field I have devoted the past 16 years of my life to dragged through the mud and made to look silly by those who are not actually practicing evidence-based psychology.