Category Uncategorized
The brutal Charlie Hebdo attacks that rocked the world on January 7, 2015, murdered twelve, and further ignited a firestorm…
Our minister gave a well-crafted sermon about the role of God and religious language in UU today. Let the creative…
Happy first full week of the New Year! I’m Cherry Teresa and I’m delighted to bring in 2015 as the newest…
Yep. This weekend only, it’s Doubting Jesus’ Resurrection, a book that explains Christian origins in a purely non-miraculous way. Yours…
Scott Alexander has a post out on Western feminism, specifically about how it seems to be centered around hating and…
New research clarifies the evolutionary relationship between fins and hands. I finally got smart and put my money in an…
I know that may be a shocking statement from the skeptics, atheists, and humanists. But it’s meant in the spirit…
Over at the Quartz blog they have a pretty awesome (if a bit frivolous) set of maps showing which colloquial…
This post is part of a series of guest posts on GPS by the graduate students in my Psychopathology course.…