Tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer (NDP) an annual event during which state level politicians kowtow to an evangelical Christian…
Category Secularism
I’m not in the swimsuit industry, but I just learned of the existence of this garment that will keep both…
Via Religion Clause: The Oklahoma legislature last Thursday gave final passage to SJR 72 (full text) (legislative history), referring to…
Next week, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin will either veto or sign Senate Bill 1552, a bill designed to strip medical licensure from all…
Why “Believe the Victims” is a Really Bad Idea. Part Three: “Believe the Victims” can be wrong: false memory We…
Why “Believe the Victims” is a Really Bad Idea. Part Two: “Believe the Victims” can be wrong: false testimony. Contrary…
Believe the victims! That was the burden of hashtags, tweets and FB status updates on a monumental scale last week,…
My latest book – Critical Thinking, Science, & Pseudoscience: Why You Can’t Trust Your Brain – is now officially released!…
Many of you are no doubt familiar with the rhetorical pattern that follows every instance of jihadist violence. While most…
Yesterday morning there was a double terrorist attack in Brussels (Belgium). At 8:00 a.m. a first explosion at the airport…