This is what I posted at Debunking Christianity the other day: With John posting about Bruce Gerencser’s deconversion account the…
Author Jonathan MS Pearce
The Friendly Atheist has an excellent short piece which utterly destroys liberal and moderate Muslims in their case for Islam…
I have made sticky (sent to the top of the blog post list) the post Andreas Schueler wrote about the…
Mwah ha ha!
Bad skeptics suck. The BBC reports: A German biologist who offered €100,000 (£71,350; $106,300) to anyone who could prove that…
Here is another great review for the anthology of deconversion accounts that myself and Tristan Vick compiled and edited. The…
To add to what the BHA announced about religious free schools starting up in the UK, here is what Geoff…
The BHA has released this: During a speech detailing Conservative plans to open 500 new free schools by 2020, David…
I can’t believe I had forgotten this, or perhaps it never passed my radar. Apparently UKIP aren’t a racist party,…
This comes from the Miami Herald and it depresses me. It really depresses me. Sort it out, America. Just sort…