It’s no secret I like renewable power. I will happily tolerate nuclear. Anything that gets us away from fossil fuels.…
Author Smilodon's Retreat
Disqus seems to be having some issues this morning, so I wanted to bring this over to a new thread.…
Recently, the internet has been flooded with this image taken by NASA of North Korea. I assume that this is…
Meyer has never read Your Inner Fish or Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo. If Meyer had, then he…
I have returned from the great frozen North (literally, frozen). I have returned to a quite lovely bird who had…
in aquariums. For many years, I had various aquariums. While the saltwater aquariums were interesting and very challenging, I still…
In a recent discussion thread, one of my readers asked about cooperative evolution. After a brief discussion, what he was…
Over at Transubstantiation, Vandy Beth Glenn, talks about how Truth Matters and why we (skeptics, atheists, rational thinkers) shouldn;t play…
As specifically requested by a commenter, I am continuing with Darwin’s Doubt. Apparently Chapter 13 has arguments devastating to evolution and/or…
Have you heard about the Chinese company that’s been given permission to begin (not study, not plan, but begin) construction…