I knew it was going to be bad when the trailer showed a Great Pyramid under construction in New Kingdom…
Author Rebecca Bradley
About a generation ago, a charismatic preacher and self-proclaimed Jesus called James Warren Jones took about a thousand of his…
Over the last hundred-odd years, dozens of men and also a few women have claimed to be Jesus Christ, back…
Vancouver, summer of 1992. My sisters and I took our collective brood down to Granville Island for lunch and diversion:…
If Christ set up his ministry today, said Thomas Carlyle, people would not crucify him. “They would ask him to…
Moral panics come in many different flavours. Some are fomented at the top levels of society, some at the grass-roots,…
Supernormal revelations arrive in many forms: dreams, voices in the head, fevered visions, the lyrics of a Beatles song, a…
Found! One of the ships of the ill-starred Franklin Expedition has been located, nearly 170 years after she set sail…
Picture a vast cavern, hundreds of miles inside the Earth, where an immense subterranean ocean laps at shores that have…
It seems that, once again, Professor Dawkins has tweeted wisely but not too well. This time the offending tweet is…