This is the third installment in my series on Stephen Ilardi’s book The Depression Cure. Ilardi pinpoints six differences between…
Author Nicholas Covington
This is the second installment in my series on Stephen Ilardi’s book The Depression Cure. Ilardi pinpoints six differences between…
I recently wrote about the depression epidemic and why self-help is largely bullshit. Now I’m going to write on what…
This post begins with a story. Several years ago I worked at a Sub sandwich shop. A co-worker friend of…
A couple of months ago I decided to quit blogging. In that time, I realized how much I really, really…
I am going to stop blogging. If you enjoyed this, I am sorry. To explain why, I will need to…
One of the things that brought me over to the atheist / skeptic position I now hold was the discussions…
Just finished Robert M. Price’s The Case Against the Case for Christ, which is a take-down of Lee Strobel’s run-away…
Around 70% of professional philosophers are atheists and only around 19% are theists. However, among experts in the philosophy of…
A video has been circulating of Christian apologist Josh Mcdowell giving a lecture in which he claims that he found…