Fan art for fan fiction by Zerinity About a year ago, I came across this post at Chris Hallquist’s blog,…
Author Damion Reinhardt
Every year, I talk with my fellow service members and (mostly USAF) veterans about where we were and what we…
For most of us, secularism is an avocation, the sort of activism that we do on the side whenever we…
Stephen Law has an interesting new post on his CFI blog about whether and when public policy should carve out exceptions on…
If you’ve been following American skepticism at all lately, you’ll be aware of the endless speculation about what is going…
Self-explanatory, I hope.
For reasons probably best left unexplained,*I have more or less lost hope in both of the major national skeptical organizations…
The last three reads were some of my all-time favorites, but they aren’t exactly the cheeriest of novels, what with…
Sorry kids, it should be “pools are closing, schools are opening…” but I understand. Taken from The Most Unwanted Song,…
In rare cases, religious privilege can make the difference between life and death, such as when a religious conscientious objectors…