A youthful camper at Camp Quest Texas prepares for an amazing week Camp Quest Texas was the first opportunity for…
Author Damion Reinhardt
The thing about “American exceptionalism” is that it’s mostly an applause light, that is, “not so much a propositional statement,…
The shadows creep faster and further my son When you let this world find you afraid And the absence of…
Original Book Cover In my interview with Sara Mayhew we heard how skeptics and freethinkers can recapture the art of…
Yes, that is an OU ribbon in her hair Before I go any further, I should disclaim the fact that…
Episode #199 of the Freakonomics podcast features media theorist Douglas Rushkoff waxing on the about the (im)proper relationship between atheism…
Probably by now you’ve heard that we’ve had to reset the clock back to ZERO days since Oklahoma embarrassed itself on the…
Via Raw Story and the New York Times we have yet another Oklahoma legislator publicly embarrassing the state by trying to permanently…
.@AmericanAtheist sent @jbey to #CPAC2015. Highest #None GOP vote: 40% in 1984 http://t.co/TJP4xdub9A pic.twitter.com/njdT43m7Zs — Juhem Navarro-Rivera (@juhemnr) February 26,…