The post Monday Morning Musical Meme – Separation of Church and Skate appeared first on Background Probability.
Author Damion Reinhardt
coddlebody noun | ˈkä-dəl bä-dē A person overly interested in the lives of others, on the assumption that they require…
Sometime today, a group of men hiding behind masks will attempt to unmask other men hiding behind masks. Both groups…
The Streisand Effect is, according to Wikipedia, “the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of…
Did Ben Carson really just say you could take everything from the Top 1% and apply it to the national…
Over at Greg Laden’s blog, he has a post up entitled On the Eve of GOP Debate, Only Two Candidates…
Over at The Freethinker, we have the story of how Scientology recently lost their tax exempt status in the Netherlands.…
The post Monday Morning Musical Meme – Leaving Jesusland appeared first on Background Probability.
Oklahoma’s Governor met with a handful of religious pilgrims yesterday: Pastor John Riggs and the Texoma Cowboy Church rode on…
Richard Thaler’s latest book is essentially an autobiographical account of how the dismal science (economics) became somewhat less dismal and…