Fairly recently, James Billingham lashed up a Twitter bot to automate the process of blocking undesirable people: The Block…
Category Secularism
Today’s novel attempt at writing religious faith into civil law is designated SJR 31, an attempt at “prohibiting discrimination or…
Every year, I make a point of combing through Oklahoma’s steaming fresh pile of proposed legislation to try to find…
Adam Lee isn’t the only one laying down terms, we also have this much shorter set of conditions from…
Last July, I changed the background on my phone to remind me to stop being such a dick online, in…
Chas Stewart is the Secretary of the OKC Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Spent this morning with a motley crew of church/state separation activists, going over some of the odder bills which will…
As a major sponsor of Justin Vacula’s hopeful excursion into the realm of freethinking feminism, I’ve won the chance to…
A couple years ago, I went for a long ride with my friends Chas, CJ, and Abbie to…
I’ve previously written about how these two forums have a number of odd similarities, in addition to their overt dissimilarities…