• Graph of the Week – Faith in the Church is Slipping

    According to a new Gallup poll released earlier today, American confidence in religion has hit an all-time low.

    These results probably help explain the “rise of the nones” which has been discussed here and elsewhere. As people grow disenchanted with religious institutions, they are less likely to continue to identify themselves therewith, and hopefully more likely to question the tales churches have been telling us about where we came from and what life is about.

    I don’t think we can put too much stock in what randomly-dialed people say about their subjective feelings towards something as amorphous and diverse as “organized religion” but probably these results should be seen as progress. Now I’d like to see what the chart looks like for homeopaths, faith-healers, and other such snake-oil salesmen.

    Category: Damned Lies and Statistics

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.