• Random updates

    Update #1New personal blog site, where I’m going to put everything which is too boring, too incendiary, too random, or generally too off-topic to write up here at Skeptic Ink. I have no idea what it’s going to end up really being about, but there will be a series on appropriating Native American cultural symbols to sell liquor at some point. Also, ducks.

    Update #2 — New podcast concept to be soft-launched on June 21st. If you’re a skeptical skeptic with something skeptical to say, please get in touch.

    Update #3 — New podcast episode of the Godcast coming up this weekend with Adam Brown, the man behind Atheism Resource and the man behind the woman behind We Are Atheism, not to mention the artist behind the kerfuffle that no one calls #artgate because that would be gauche and unoriginal. Here is a preview of what did not make it into the show:






    Category: IntroductoryPodcastsUncategorized

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.