• Chart of the Week – Conspiracist Thinking and the Left/Right Spectrum

    This morning, some kind soul pointing me to PPP’s latest round of conspiracy-theory related questions, which you may find in complete form here: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2013/PPP_Release_National_1002.pdf

    In case you’re wondering whether it’s really worth looking into, I’ve made a couple of charts to tease you just a bit:


    This is pretty much what I would have expected, on this issue. Gun paranoia has become a proxy for conservative authenticity here in deep red Oklahoma, I’m not surprised to hear that it isn’t just us.


    Once again, the “somewhat liberal” folk (people like myself) are the most likely to forthrighly reject conspiracist wackaloonery.

    Okay, okay, just one more chart:


    Category: Damned Lies and StatisticsPolitics

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.