• Operation Dumbo Drops In The Yard

    The glasses are real, but the M-16 is not.

    I’ve never been particularly gifted at being a soldier (as you can clearly see from the photo) but I’ve always worked with them, around them, and for them. Last night, on the Sgt. Skeptic Podcast, I had the rare opportunity to speak with servicemembers from three branches of the American Armed Forces, including Paul Loebe and Kathleen Johnson from American Atheists and Stephen Holdenried of Atheist Airman.

     Here is the link to last night’s episode, please go have a listen. We had a great time and (if I remember correctly) we covered a few serious issues as well. Here is the regulation I was talking about respecting the requirements to certify military chaplaincy: DoD 1304.28. After looking through it again early this morning, I see no reason why the UU’s and Ethical Culture folks cannot charge ahead and become fully authorized to endorse humanist “religious ministry professionals” serving under their authority, even though this bigoted amendment has already passed. Somebody please inform James Croft.




    Category: ActivismPodcastsSecularism

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.