• Creationism in Louisiana

    Zach-e1301352535465Via HuffPo, it appears that Louisiana lawmakers cannot bring themselves to fully quit creationism even when the Supreme Court made them quit over a quarter century ago in a landmark case. Probably they are still upset about being so effectively and consistently challenged by church/state activists like Zack Kopplin, a rising star whom we got the chance to speak with recently on the Oklahoma Atheists Godcast. Certainly worth a listen if you live in a red state and you want to know what sorts of anti-science bunkum conservative Christian legislators have in store for your public classrooms and how you can get involved organizing to fight back.

    For more info on Zack’s crusade for science, please visit www.RepealCreationism.com or come see him live at FreeOK 2013.

    Category: PodcastsTheocracy

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.