• Tragedy and Policy

    Today I’ve come across dozens of tweets and not a few posts from people trying desperately to tie today’s tragedy to their own personal policy position on issues wholly unrelated to school safety and gun laws. I don’t have an argument here, but I really find that sort of political opportunism disgusting. If you can show that your policy proposal somehow would have averted the shooting, then of course I want to hear about it. If you are merely leveraging the emotional reaction to the shooting to get people to care about your favorite issue, whether it’s prayer in school or drone strikes, then I don’t want to read about it right now.  For now, I just want to talk about how to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

    Tomorrow, I’ll be happy to hear about how this tragedy can be related to gay rights, war in the Middle East, and the Eternal Lordship of Jesus Christ, all issues that I do care about one way or another. Please, just for 24 hours, let’s focus on how to identify and disarm the psychotic murderers in our midst. I really don’t think that’s too much to ask.

    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.